Sunday 24 April 2011

Backstreet Boys VS. *NSync.

First trivial post. This has been on my mind for a while now.

Backstreet Boys VS. *NSync.

Of course, this is an utterly redundant debate. You may snigger now at the seriousness of which I approach this topic.

Lately, I have been on a binge of nostalgia, and wish to compare. It is no doubt my desperate attempts to hold onto the last tendrils of my youth before they dissipate, and I will hold on tightly as I am able.

There will be no doubt that I will be biased. Me, I have always been one for the Backstreet Boys. But I will be perfectly civil.

Personally, I have never liked *NSync very much - except for that one song, Pop - and a tiny little crush on Lance Bass (hey, come on, at ten your gaydar isn't really well-honed just yet, you know) - nor really wholly understood their appeal, but I can objectively tell you how they are better or worse than BSB.

So, in the off-chance some die-hard *NSync fan has found this and taken offense, please do not. I am merely listing my extremely personal reasons as to why I prefer BSB.

1. Dance Moves

Okay. This one's pretty much a no-brainer. *NSync are the superior boy-band when it comes to the dance department.

Whilst the Backstreet Boys' dancing chops are adequate enough (you know, especially compared to the utter blandness that is Westlife), *NSync blow them out of the water.

*NSync are slick, professional, they have an energy and cohesion to their dancing that BSB lacks. They're very well-choreographed, their timing's spot-on, as a team their synchronization is pretty much perfect. Even individually, each member still shines.

Watching BSB dance kind of just looks like a bunch of guys vaguely walking in circles, pouting and waving their arms about melodramatically; almost as if they learnt the dance moves about half an hour in advance to the shooting. Although, in this case, I'll forgive Kevin; that half-lidded arm-flapping seems to suit him. Just skip to 4:19; a YouTube commenter notices Brian merely sitting, looking around, seemingly bemused, having apparently forgotten the moves.

Point to: *NSync.


Personally, though, I don't really care about how proficient they are at dancing. Sure, it would be nice to be able to pull of some good moves, but I find that if one takes that aspect too far (e.g. most Korean boy-bands...seriously, YouTube some) then it diminishes the importance of the talent and personality of the band itself. You shouldn't necessarily need to appeal by having flashy moves if the personality of the band itself is enough. And for me, BSB has always had more personality than *NSync. (More on that last sentence later.)


Discussion to be continued later with more points. Yes, I am taking this very seriously. It's important to me.

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