Monday 20 June 2011

The Lion King a.k.a. Disney nostalgia

Oh, wow. I never truly realized how traumatizing this actually was. This video reduced me to bawling like a baby. Note to all girls out there: don't bother buying makeup remover. Just watch this scene. Just as effective and much less chemicals, although painful to the soul. Very painful to the soul.

It's's that moment you realize, even subconsciously, that that parental figure isn't infallible. If a powerful, idealistic father like Mufasa can be taken from us so abruptly, then what chance do our own fathers stand? BAWWWWW.

After re-watching parts of The Lion King, I can safely say it's my favourite Disney movie. I never truly appreciated how amazingly awesome Disney were during this period. Once again, I must reiterate my love of Hans Zimmer. He really can do no wrong; the soundtrack makes the movie, really.

I'm really happy I grew up when Disney were still churning out amazing 2D animation, instead of the tweenybopper crud the poor children have to put up with today. Ah, childhood. Was it so long ago when you were still with me?

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