Sunday 24 July 2011

In which I over-analyze Rebecca Black's 'My Moment'

I don't think My Moment is really as bad as some people are purporting. It's just hopelessly,  mildly, generically bland. Her voice seems to have been autotuned several times over, and the chorus is repetitive (still better than Friday, not that that's saying much) but how is that so different than what we hear in the usual pop charts? In a way, that actually makes the song worse. Let me explain.

We're not even allowed to like it ironically: no more endearingly low-budget effects or sets. No more confused extras. No more nasal voice or mind-numbing yet super-catchy lyrics. Yet, the song isn't outright hateable - either of which would have filled us with hand-rubbing glee. Sure, the number of dislikes on My Moment outweighs the likes, but the jibes feel half-hearted. How can we make fun of something that has nothing to make fun of? Blandness isn't fun. Blandness is...bland.

Although I'll be the first person to wish it was just as inane as Friday just so I could make fun of it, I suppose I'm glad for her. She's a cute girl with a contagious smile and (against one's resistance) infectious energy; she really could be much, much worse. Rebecca Black is really guilty of nothing more than being a young girl with dreams whose parents were indulgent enough to spend a few thousand dollars on her to have some chubby rapper from a music company of dubious origin write a terrible (-y awesome) song for her.

Yet, she seems to almost be asking for people to mock her mercilessly with My Moment's lyrics. Some of the lyrics essentially amount to: "HAHA! SUCKERS! LOOK AT ME NOW, YOU HATERS! I'M POPULAR AND FAMOUS AND YOU'RE NOT! NYA NYA NYA NYA NYA NYA!" Girl, you of all people should know the internet by now. This is the equivalent of dangling fresh meat in front of their faces. They'll take anything they can get. If you really are so famous and rich, please don't sing about feeling smug in proving the haters wrong. It just makes you look petty. Like, you know, you're sinking to our level. I believe in you, Rebecca. You're young yet. You can do better. You will do better. I say this with the best of intentions.

Regardless. Hopefully she'll be able to find some legitimate fame - as this video portrays her to have. But in the back of my mind, I still hope her next song will be epic of Friday-like, fun, fun, fun!

Monday 18 July 2011

Random thought

Does anyone else think that 3D TV is extraordinarily pointless?

It's kind of like ordering salad at McDonald's. Not exactly the same metaphor, but a similar feeling. A lot of effort for nothing much.

If I wanted to see things in 3D, I'd just go outside.